2023 Bassmaster Open at Wheeler Lake Winner - Adam Rasmussen

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As a full-time fishing guide and professional angler, Adam Rasmussen spends the vast majority of his time either on the ice or the water, as he has guided full-time for over a decade. Calling North Central Wisconsin home isn’t necessarily the easiest when it comes to getting on big bites, but Adam begs to differ. Finding off-the-beaten-path lakes, and often fishing innovative techniques, he is always on a hot bite. Whether you’re fishing big pike and perch in the winter or bass and river muskies in the summer, it doesn’t take long to realize Adam is a heck of a stick!

 In this episode, we discuss Adam winning the 2023 St. Croix Bassmaster Open at Wheeler Lake and how that helps him get into the elites. We also discuss the upcoming events along with his charter fishing business. 

2023 Bassmaster Open at Wheeler Lake Winner - Adam Rasmussen
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